Peer Review

I want to start off by saying that I appreciate and acknowledge the hard work that was put into creating the learning resource on Learning Strategies for Successful Completion of Online Courses. As a student who has participated in online classes, I am excited to see what this group was able to accomplish! My notes will be opinion-based and bias-free. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to review your learning resource.

I will be using the criteria from Learning Design Blueprint from Week 2 of list as a guideline so that nothing gets missed.

  • An overview of the Learning Resource by following the Learning Design Blueprint
    • A concise definition of your topic, citing at least two academic sources. 
      • The 5th slide titled “Course Definition of Topic” was very detailed and informative. It was clear, and included a resource. Really enjoyed and had a clear undestanding of the work.
    • One-two misconceptions about your topic, e.g., what do people usually misunderstand? 
      • Slide 4 had a misunderstanding slide that was short, clear, and concise with 2 misconceptions and an academic source.
    • A rationale for developing your learning resource based on this topic. 
      • This topic has been mentioned in Slides 2, 7, 14, and it goes over the rational behind making a learning resource based on “Learning Strategies for Successful Completion of Online Courses”, and it describes how their class will resolve the issues and concerns with online learning.
    • A description of your learning context/target audience/learners
      • Not direct, but I’m assuming that it is directed towards post-secondary students, and the delivery/teaching styles are directed towards professors..
    • A description of a platform where your interactive learning resource/course will be hosted. 
      • Slide 3 has indicated that the course will be held on brightspaces and MatterMost, and the rationale behind those choices of platforms.
  • A description and rationale for the learning theory upon which your resource will be based (behaviourism, cognitivism, or constructivism). 
    • This learning resource doesn’t specifically indicate which learning theory they used, but the structure of the topic and the activities show what structure they followed, but by making it clear and sharing why and how they used their chosen learning theory(ies) is important.
  • A description and rationale for the learning design you chose
    • This was mentioned on slide 3 which explains the description and rational for the learning design they chose.
  • Alignment
    • Subtopics with a brief commentary: 
      • This was clear and concise.
    • Content for each subtopic: 
      • I enjoyed the visuals and graphic design of the content, making it more engaging while following a structure.
    • Essential questions: 
      • Solid questions with one for each learning catalogue
    • Learning objectives: 
      • Learning objectives are present and they relate to the essential questions.
    • An assessment plan
      • The assessments are listed and explained in the class schedules for each module.
    • Actual assessments
      • Not present in the link provided, but I’m assuming it’s on brightspace (as mentioned in their presentation).
    • Description of one interactive activity for each learning objective
      • There was a decription of how students can engage with the topic, but there was no interactive activity listed in their presentation.
    • An actual interactive activity for each learning objective
      • There was a decription of how students can engage with the topic, but there was no interactive activity listed in their presentation. However, there were learning resources present in the presentation.
  • UDL Guidelines and specific CAST principles. 
    • I didnt see exact quotes or references to either guideline or principal.
  • A rationale for your technology choices. 
    • The rationale was presented in slide 3.
  • A bibliography or reference list of all resources cited. 
    • References and in-text citations were present throughout the presentation.

To conclude, I would look at the rubric and make sure you have addressed each topic, subject, and question. I think the topic is well developed, the content is well researched and structured, the resources look reliable and useful, and the activities make sense. I do like the overall presentation and how everyone made the content very engaging and attractive to read. Well done!

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